28, 1984 - three days before Halloween and nine days before Will’s disappearance - a high-speed chase between a group of misfit teens and local Pittsburgh police occurs. The newest girl with psionic abilities Netflix What should be noted is how closely the Duffer brothers want you to pay attention to dates. This is an important detail that will become more apparent as the episode progresses. 28, 1984, almost one year to the date of Will Byers’ vanishing, which took place on Nov. We’re not in Hawkins, Indiana but Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The camera pans down from the sky, reminding us of the world that exists beyond the stars, and gives us our first bit of information.

How does the second season of a show exist without connecting to the first? For Stranger Things, it all begins with acknowledging the terrifying, parallel universe that haunts some of Hawkins’ citizens: the Upside Down. Confused? We don’t blame you, it’s a confusing concept. It’s important to remember that Stranger Things 2 is supposed to be a sequel to Stranger Things, not just a second season. Stranger Things 2, episode 1: “Mad Max” watchthrough Episode One: “Mad Max” Netflix Major returning players The first will run today, and the second tomorrow. We’ll be releasing two watchthroughs a week, starting with the season premiere and second episode.

To help you navigate the tangled web of events the Duffer brothers have spun up for the second season of their series, Polygon is going to be walking you through each one, step-by-step.

That means there are more characters introduced, twisty plots and, yes, more time spent in the Upside Down.

Stranger Things 2 carries on the story introduced in the first season, but differs just enough that it accomplishes its goal of acting as a stand-alone sequel. Luckily for you, Stranger Things 2 provides plenty of opportunities for theorizing. If you’re a Stranger Things devotee, you’re probably someone who spends their time digging into the nook and crannies of every episode, looking for clues and theorizing about what’s to come.